Naby is a Cloud-based solution with out-of-the box coverage of UCITS & AIF regulatory rules, industry sector rules and prospectus rules including calculation of Global Exposure and Counterparty Risk.

Your Solution for Investment Compliance Reconciliation Data Management Risk Management Dashboard & Alerts Reporting

.01 – Investment Compliance

Our compliance solution that integrates all legal and fund-specific regulations.

  • ZStreamline, automate and fully document your investment compliance activities.
  • ZReal-time pre & post-trade compliance.
  • ZUCITS V & AIF regulatory rules and fund specific rules included.
  • ZCalculation of Global Exposure and Counterparty Risk.
  • ZSupervision of the NAV by using internal engine.

.02 – Reconciliation

Our fully integrated reconciliation module is a key component in active portfolio and risk management and all relevant information is exchanged and adjusted on a daily basis.

  • ZRule-based reconciliation of Funds data with Fund Admin/Custodian data
  • ZAutomated integration of new position
  • ZAutomated creation of new asset into the Master Data through our interface with market data provider (Bloomberg, Refinitiv...)
  • ZDynamic mapping of third party data
  • ZFormat & integrity checks for data integration

.03 – Data Management

Fully audit trail of all your business data.

  • ZMaster Data with single record
  • ZMulti-asset & multi-currency
  • ZNavigate through your data with one-click
  • ZAutomated Asset creation from market data provider (Bloomberg, Refinitiv...)
  • ZOn-demand or scheduled update of data from market data provider
  • ZAuto-import all source of data, custodian, fund admin, market data

Because nothing beats a demonstration tailored to your needs,
don’t hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

.04 – Risk Management

Take it easy, the risk is managed.

  • ZReal-time monitoring of investment limits
  • ZValue at Risk (VaR)
  • ZLiquidity Risk
  • ZAnalysis and back testing for different fund classes
  • ZNAV/portfolio evaluation and simulation in real time
  • ZFund performance vs benchmark
  • ZMarket conformity checks

.05 – Dashboards & Alerts

Be informed the way you want to be.

  • ZReady-to-use dashboard per role
  • ZDedicated dashboard for compliance and risk activities
  • ZCreate your own dashboard with available widgets
  • Z15+ widget available to customize your own dahsboard
  • ZReal-time custom alert by email or in the application

.06 – Reporting

Reporting at its best.

  • ZExport all screen, dashboard and data in excel
  • ZCustomer specific reporting available
  • ZAutomated reporting sending capabilities
  • ZAIFMD Annex 4
  • ZKID & Factsheet
  • ZMIFID II transaction report
  • ZFinancial reporting

(.07) – Many more

Other features

In addition to all the main features mentioned above, Naby also offers a host of customization options to make your experience more personal and relevant to your daily life.

Take The Advantage

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